How Do I Use This Site?
Regardless of where you are in your blended learning journey, this site is full of resources to help you! Teachers, administrators, and education leaders looking for support on starting blended learning or advancing an existing blended learning program will find helpful tools, guides, and advice on each page. Many of our resources may be helpful for those looking for support on data-driving instruction, teaching in small groups, or administering NWEA MAP testing.
There is no wrong place to start! We encourage you to jump right in and click around! For an idea on where to start, check out our suggestions below:
If you’re a teacher…
looking to start blended learning in your classroom, we suggest that you get started in the Routines, Systems, and Procedures page. Here you’ll find support on setting up your blended learning classroom, information about how to move students between stations, and guidance on how to set students up for success. These things are the foundation of every blended learning classroom. Starting here will set you up to use the resources found on other pages!
looking to share progress with students and families and build excited, self-motivated students, we suggest you check out the Investment pages first. Here you’ll find resources for investing students in their progress, communicating with parents and fostering a growth mindset in your classroom.
looking for support in small group, online instruction or using data in your classroom, we suggest you start with on the Instruction page. Here you’ll find resources to support small group learning, online content usage and data analysis.
looking for support on the NWEA MAP test, we suggest you get started in the NWEA MAP section. Here you’ll find details about the NWEA MAP test, helpful guides for the key reports, and suggestions on how to make the data actionable in your classroom. Starting here will set you up to collect and use accurate data from NWEA MAP.
If you’re an administrator or education leader…
looking for how to run blended learning throughout the school, we suggest school administrators and other education leaders check out the Admin Resources page first! This page will provide a general blended learning timeline, resources for training and coaching teachers, and guidance on measuring success of blended learning.
looking to determine how teachers can use blended learning effectively, we suggest you start with the Instruction page. You’ll find information about incorporating small group instruction, using digital content providers, and support analyzing data.
looking for support using the NWEA MAP test, we suggest you get started in the NWEA MAP section. Here you’ll find details about the NWEA MAP test, helpful guides for the key reports, and suggestions on what to do to support teachers and students. Starting here will set you up to collect and use accurate data from NWEA MAP.